"I started looking at things out in the world, and began painting that. Creating art is really about work, discipline and making stuff. Somebody once said that behind every successful painter are acres of ruined canvases. That’s really true."
-Richard Crozier

Richard Lewis Crozier is a prolific landscape painter and a retired professor of art, having taught at the University of Virginia for thirty-seven years. Born in Hawaii, he received his M.F.A. from the University of California, Davis, where he studied with contemporary American artists Wayne Thiebaud, William T. Wiley, and Roy de Forest. He was introduced to abstract painting but also began painting landscapes en plein air . He combined these two approaches by painting recognizable landscapes while thinking about the painting as an object-giving the paint, texture, and surface the same importance as the image itself. He is particularly interested in change, the landscape in flux: the change of seasons, change of light, as well as manmade alterations to the environment. Crozier’s work has been widely exhibited. He has had solo shows in California, Texas, New York, Washington, D.C., and throughout Virginia. In addition, his work is in a number of important public collections all across the country.